Opinion in Support of Don Anthony for President
When I first became involved as a parent in USA Fencing the organization was in financial and political tatters. It couldn’t pay the referees, we had negative audit findings and no relationship with international fencing. Domestic tournaments were bleak affairs. Don worked tirelessly with other board members, parents, coaches , athletes and clubs to engineer a turnaround in our National Governing Body. In the past 8 years USAF membership has doubled, revenues have doubled, the deficit has been eliminated and we actually have reserves! Audits have been clean for 6 straight years and we’re recognized for our use of funds.
All my fellow parents should appreciate that his has been an amazing success story. That’s why those persons most knowledgeable about the issues facing USA Fencing have nominated Don to serve again in our most challenging and disrupted year. He’s earned our confidence.
To find out more and make your own informed decision please go to http://anthonyforusafencing.com.
Roy J. Rodney, Jr.
Father of Adam and Max Rodney, Uncle of Ben Bratton