How to Qualify for the 2023 Fencing Summer Nationals Championship and July Challenge in Phoenix.
Covering Youth (Y10, Y12 and Y14), Cadet, Junior, Division 1, Division 1A, Division 2 and Division 3 Events
Updated on October 12, 2022 to reflect changes made to the Athlete Handbook 2022/2023 released on October 4, 2022
Phoenix, AZ- Host city to US Fencing’s 2023 Summer Nationals Championship and July Challenge
Without exception, every one of the 93 events fenced at the annual US Fencing Summer Nationals Championship and July Challenge 2023 requires qualification by the fencer.
Below is the breakdown of the 2023 Summer Nationals Championship events and the July Challenge events.
Championship Events
Youth - Y10, Y12 and Y14
Division 1A, Division 2, Division 3
All Veterans Events
July Challenge EVENTS
Cadet and Junior
Division 1
See the US Fencing Athlete Handbook 2022/2023 HERE
Age eligibility requirements apply year round to all tournaments including Summer Nationals and July Challenge, NACs, Junior Olympics, Division 1 Championships, RYCs, SYCs, ROCs as well as sanctioned and unsanctioned local fencing tournaments.
For ease of reference, you can see US Fencing’s Age Eligibility table for the 2022/2023 season HERE
Classification eligibility
Rating classification restrictions apply to all Division 1, Division 2 and Division 3 events.
Championship events at Summer Nationals require fencers to be US citizens or permanent residents. Foreign fencers are not allowed to compete in championship events.
Fencers holding US citizenship who have represented a foreign country at an FIE event any time in the past 3 years will not be allowed to compete in a US Fencing championship.
US Fencing stipulates up to 4 ways, depending on the event, in which a fencer can qualify for events at Summer Nationals provided they are age and classification eligible.
earning national points from NACs, Championships, July Challenge, or SYCs and ranking on the relevant national points list
earning the requisite number of regional qualifying points from RYCs, RJCCs or ROC
finishing in the top 25% in a Division Qualifier (DQ) for Y14, Division 2 and Division 3 events
finishing in the top 40% at a Division 2 NAC to qualify the fencer for the Division 2 Championship
You can download the 2022/2023 US Fencing Athlete Handbook HERE
Note to Parents of Youth Fencers
With effect from Summer Nationals 2020, US Fencing will institute a “cut” in Y12 and Y14 events at the championship. The bottom 20% of the field after pools will be eliminated from the competition, and will not be allowed to fence the Direct Elimination (DE) rounds.
parents’ guide to elite university recruitment for fencers
Foundational knowledge about athlete recruitment for fencers.
In-depth college profiles (incorporating Fencer Vital Statistics at Colleges with NCAA Fencing Teams) and 5 year recruitment patterns.
Recruitment hierarchies ranking colleges of comparable academic quality by difficulty of recruitment.
eligibility and qualification tables for 2023 summer nationals championship and july challenge events
EVENT name
Division 1
July Challenge Event
Eligibility and qualification paths
Division 1 - July Challenge Event 2023
Born 2009 or earlier
(unless a fencer born after 2009 is on the relevant National Junior Points List at registration deadline)
Rating classification of A,B or C at registration deadline
No citizenship or permanent residency requirements. Open to qualified foreign fencers.
Qualifying Paths
Fencer must:
Be on the current Senior National Rolling Point Standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Be on the aged out Junior NRPS at the regular fee entry deadline and age eligible OR
Be Top 24 of the aged Cadet NRPS at the regular fee deadline and age eligible OR
Be Top 16 from Div IA Regional Points Standings OR
Be in the top 4 of the Division II regional points at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Be a 2023 NCAA National Championships Individual Competitors (24) OR
Foreign athletes who meet the USA Fencing classification standard of an “A”, “B” as defined in the Section 2.2.4.
Division 1A
Championship Event
Division 1A - Championship Event 2023
Born 2009 or earlier
(unless a fencer born after 2009 is on the relevant National Junior Points List at registration deadline)
Rating classification of A.B,C,D,E or U at registration deadline
Fencer must be US citizen or permanent resident
Qualifying Paths
The fencer must:
Be on the current season’s Div IA ROC Regional Point Standings OR
in the top 8 of the Division II Regional Open Circuit point standings at the regular fee entry deadline
Division 2
Championship Event
Division 2 - Championship Event 2023
Born 2009 or earlier
(unless a fencer born after 2009 is on the relevant National Junior Points List at registration deadline)
Rating classification of C, D, E or U at registration deadline
Fencer must be US citizen or permanent resident
Qualifying Paths
The fencer must:
Place in the top 25% of the current season’s division qualifying competition, even if you earned a higher rating classification than eligibility requirements at that DQ, OR
Be on the current season’s Div IA ROC Regional Point Standings OR
Be on the Div II ROC Regional Point Standings OR
Place in the top 40% of any current season Division 2 NAC
Division 3
championship event
Division 3 - Championship Event 2023
Born 2009 or earlier
(unless a fencer born after 2009 is on the relevant National Junior Points List at registration deadline)
Rating classification of D, E or U at registration deadline
Fencer must be US citizen or permanent resident
Qualifying Paths
Place in the top 25% (round up) of the total number of “D”, “E”, or “U” fencers competing in the current season division’s Division 2 Qualifying competition (when Division 2 and Division 3 qualifying competition held together) OR
If separate Division 3 qualifying competition held by division, then the top 25% of the field will qualify for Division 3 National Championships OR
Be on the Division IA or Division 2 Regional Open Circuit point standings, if classification eligible, at the regular fee entry deadline for these Championships OR
Qualified for Division II National Championships, if classification eligible
Note: If the fencer qualifies through a Division 2 DQ, and earns a higher rating classification at that DQ, the fencer is still eligible to compete in the Division 3 championship events.
July Challenge
Junior - July Challenge 2023
Born 2004 to 2010
(unless a fencer born after 2010 is on the relevant National Cadet Points List at registration deadline)
No rating classification restrictions
No citizenship or permanent resident restrictions. Open to foreign fencers.
Qualifying Paths
Fencer must be:
On Junior NRPS (Age out rankings after JOs) by entry deadline OR
On Cadet NRPS (Age out rankings after JOs) OR
Earn at least 65 regional points (top 2 events) on your region's Junior Regional Point Standing OR
Be in the top 25% of the Youth 14 national rolling point standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Foreign athletes who meet the USA Fencing classification standard of “A”, “B” as defined in Section 2.2.4
feeder clubs to highly selective colleges in division 1
Find out who these feeder clubs and coaches are to the most selective fencing colleges in Division 1.
July Challenge
Cadet - July Challenge 2023
Born 2007 to 2010
(unless a fencer born after 2010 is on the relevant National Y14 Points List at registration deadline)
No rating classification restrictions
No citizenship or permanent residency requirements. Open to foreign fencers.
Qualifying Paths
Fencer must:
Be on Cadet NRPS (Age out after JOs) OR
Be in the top 50% of the Y14 national rolling point standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Earn at least 65 regional points (top 2 events) on their regions Cadet Regional Point Standing OR
Earn at least 65 regional points (top 2 events) on their regions Junior Regional Circuit Points
Championship event
Y14 - Championship Event 2023
Born 2008 to 2011
(unless a fencer born after 2011 is on the relevant National Y12 Points List at registration deadline)
No rating classification restrictions
Fencer must be US citizen or permanent resident
Qualifying Paths
Fencer must:
Be on the Youth 14 National Point Standings at the regular entry fee deadline OR
Earn at least 150 Y14 Regional Points during the current season (Total points = an athlete’s top 3 point results) OR
Place in the top 25% (round up) of the fencer’s division’s Y14 National Championship qualifying competition
championship event
Y12 - Championship Event 2023
Born 2010 to 2013
(unless a fencer born after 2013 is on the relevant National Y10 National Points List at registration deadline)
No rating classification restrictions
Fencer must be a US citizen or permanent resident
Qualifying Paths
Fencer must:
Be on the Y12 National Point Standings at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Earn at least 70 Y12 Regional Points during the current season or 2021/2022 season (Total points = an athlete’s top 3 point results) OR
Earn at least 150 Y14 Regional Points during the current season or 2021/2022 season (Total points = an athlete’s top 3 point results) OR
Place in the top 25% of the fencer’s division’s Y14 National Championship qualifying competition (DQ)
Championship event
Y10 - Championship Event 2023
Born 2012 - 2015
No rating classification restrictions
Fencer must be a US citizen or permanent resident
Qualifying Paths
Fencer must:
Be on the Y10 National Point Standings at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Be on the Y10 Regional Youth Point Standings in your region at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Earn at least 60 Y12 Regional Points during the current season (Total points = an athlete’s top 3 point results)
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