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US Fencing Board Elections - May the Best Known Win!

About the May 2023 Board Election

On January 2, 2023, USA Fencing announced that the Nominating Committee had selected 9 individuals out of 30 that applied, to stand for election for 3 at-large director positions on the US Fencing Board.

As the graphic above shows, the 9 candidates are a mix of familiar names in the fencing community, including one Board incumbent and one former Board member, some less familiar names including a current appointed Board member and a previous Board candidate and some new, unfamiliar names.

Based on the announced criteria used to score these 9 candidates, we can presume that the Nominating Committee has presented US Fencing members with a highly qualified slate to choose from. The scoring criteria included:

  • experience in senior business leadership;

  • education;

  • financial services;

  • marketing;

  • diversity, equity and inclusion;

  • fundraising;

  • innovation

  • candidates’ past involvement with USA Fencing, the FIE (International Fencing Federation), the International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation, the U.S. Olympic & Paralympic Committee, as well as participation in USA Fencing’s Leadership Academy. 

  • each individual’s ability to serve in the role of Board Chair should they be selected.

Additional candidates will be added to the ballot should anyone successfully petition to be included by collecting the requisite number of eligible signatures from USA Fencing members.

The total number of candidates running for 3 at-large director positions will end up at 9 or more once we know who petitioned successfully to join the ballot.

Board Elections favor those with strong name recognition

the system favors those who are well-known within the fencing community

Traditionally, USA Fencing has opened up the election campaigning period simultaneous with the voting period. This methodology has favored candidates with strong name recognition within the constituencies who are US Fencing’s most active voters.

In the last 5 elections, only familiar names have won election to the Board.

In the Board elections in 2020 and 2021, 3 candidates who were rejected by the Nominating Committee successfully petitioned to be included on the ballot. These candidates had large grassroots support from and name recognition within the fencing community, and they were able to collect the requisite 400 plus signatures to successfully petition to get on the ballot. 2 of the 3 candidates went on to win a seat on the Board in the elections.

Unknown candidates have never won

Candidates who are not known to the voting community are unlikely to win an election or in a situation of ranked choice, make it as a top 3 choice for a voter.

Unfamiliar candidates start out with a disadvantage that is nearly impossible to overcome under the current election process.

FP did a search of the 3 unfamiliar names selected by the Nominating Committee. While FP probably did identify these candidates through their LinkedIn profiles, we cannot be sure we found the right people. If we did find the right people, then they are indeed strong candidates for a Board seat. Crucially, US Fencing has not provided any information to help any voter correctly identify the candidates.

These candidates need to be introduced to US Fencing members sooner rather than later so that they have a genuine shot at winning election.

Voters are human

Voters are human, they vote for people they know, like and trust.

With the announcement of candidates on January 2, 2023, election campaigning has essentially kicked off for those candidates who are well connected and well known within the US Fencing communities that vote in large numbers.

Candidates outside of these groups are at a distinct disadvantage, few people know them personally, and even fewer people know their strengths or commitment levels to serve the fencing community.

what usa fencing can do about this imbalance

If USA Fencing is serious about leadership renewal and helping the best candidates win, they need to level the playing field by ensuring that all 9 candidates are given early and equal exposure to the fencing community.

For parent voters, even the well-connected, well-known names may be somewhat unfamiliar to them.

The entire fencing community deserves to have a thorough understanding of who the Board candidates are, and the Board candidates deserve to have a fair hearing from the voting community.

The traditional way of simultaneous campaigning and voting has always favored those with high name recognition and strong personal relationships within the community that actively votes in every election. This needs to change.

USA Fencing needs to open up its email channels (FOR FREE) and let all 9 candidates tell their stories directly to the membership though video and potentially, even Q&A sessions.

In prior elections, US Fencing functioned like an advertising channel asking candidates to PAY to email the membership lists. This is an inappropriate practice and should be stopped. All candidates should be given EQUAL and FREE access to the membership mailing lists.

The old format where candidates write 2 paragraphs of fluffy intentions tell members very little about the candidate. And that format has repeatedly benefited candidates who were already well known in the community.

USA Fencing, we look forward to a renewal from you starting with an improved system for candidates to present themselves to the fencing community so that members can make a genuinely informed choice about who to cast their vote for.

Parents should vote in the May 2023 Board Election

Parents should exercise their vote

Parents who are Access members of USA Fencing as of February 1, 2023 are eligible to vote in the May Board elections. If you are not yet an Access member, you can still join before February 1 to vote in the election.

Parents should keep in mind that as Access members, they potentially form one of USA Fencing’s largest voting blocs in Board elections, but parents have historically not exercised their influence through their votes. Voting for candidates who empathize with fencing families is critical to ensuring that policy making at US Fencing takes their fencer’s best interests into account.

USA Fencing occasionally needs a reminder that fencing families are not an eternal ATM machine willing to pay out whatever it takes to accommodate and further US Fencing’s Olympic and other goals. Fencing families underpin US Fencing’s financial health and should not be sidelined or made subservient to other interests.

At-Large Directors

what are at-large directors?

At-large directors are members of the Board elected to their positions by USA Fencing’s membership.

The changes made to the Bylaws in 2021 extended the terms of all elected at-large directors from 2 years to 4 years. To rationalize the timing of Board elections, the 3 at-large directors elected in May 2023 will serve for a period of 3 years until 2026. Candidates elected in the 2026 election and all elections thereafter will serve 4 year terms.

only 4 at-large directors left on the Board after the election

The Board is currently made up of 15 members as follows;

  • 4 Athlete Directors (elected to the Board by the Athlete’s Council)

  • 3 Independent Directors (unelected, invited by the Board)

  • 5 At-Large Directors (including the Chair)

  • 2 Vice Chair (unelected, invited by the Board)

  • Treasurer (unelected)

Of the 5 at-large directors, 4 of them have terms expiring in September 2023, and they will be replaced by 3 at-large directors to be elected in May 2023. The 5th at-large director’s term expires in 2024, and will presumably be replaced or re-elected in a May 2024 Board election.

By September 2023, Board members directly elected by the US Fencing membership will be reduced to 4 members, making up a minority of 27% of the Board.

Why is the May 2023 Board Election So Important?

The May 2023 election is the FIRST Board election after very controversial Bylaw changes were passed in 2021.

Board Chair is selected from amongst at-large directors

With the 2021 Bylaw changes, the Board Chair (previously titled President of USA Fencing) will now be selected by the Board from amongst the at-large directors instead of being elected directly by the membership.

These changes were extremely unpopular at the time, and generated numerous complaints to the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC) about the Board’s conduct of affairs. USOPC conducted an investigation and released its findings and recommendations in an open letter to US Fencing members on December 14, 2022.

One of the key USOPC findings most relevant to these May Board elections is the issue of succession planning for key positions and the selection of the Board Chair. In its letter, the USOPC was specific:

Succession planning is important for any organization, but particularly in USFA’s case, where according to one witness, some in the Fencing community feel that leaders who have been with the organization for a long time were not willing to step aside and make room for others. Another witness put it more bluntly, explaining that there is a perception that six to 10 people “hijack” USFA which does not sit well with members who generate much of USFA’s revenue. As a result, another witness explained, having the same volunteers year after year leads to perceptions of voting blocs and speculation about who gets involved in what and why, e.g., how or why one is selected for a task force or committee.

In our view, much of the “hijacking” takes place through appointments to the numerous unelected positions on the Board and other influential committees, some of which come with nice travel perks.

Nevertheless, in the upcoming May election, members when ranking their choices have to be mindful that they vote to promote renewal on the Board, and that each one of their 3 top choices for at-large director has the competence and maturity to lead the Board as Chair.

To make a good choice, members must get to know all the candidates in an authentic way.

USA Fencing - the ball is in your court to make this happen!