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USA Fencing Board Election Candidate for President - Peter Burchard

Peter Burchard

Maestro and Founder, North Bay Fencing Academy

President, US Fencing Coaches Association

FIE Referee Level B (foil and epee)

USA Fencing Referee Level 1 (foil and epee), level 4 (sabre)

USA Fencing Regional Co-ordinator


NAC Bout Committee member

Fencing Officials Commission member

Divisional Board member

RYC, ROC and SYC Bout Committee member

NCAA Head Coach

Member of Team USA (1978 and 1983)

connect on facebook: Burchard for President of USA Fencing

Peter’s message to parents

“Thank you to the Fencing Parents’ network for broadening engagement in this unprecedented election. Your community shows how much has changed in the sport since I first became involved and what work still needs to be done.

Download Peter’s Message

My contemporaries and I began fencing as college students. Our path to the world stage was much different than the children who begin fencing at ages 5, 6, and 7. My coaches were tremendous influences on how I performed, how I teach, and who I am. Still, the demands on them were far less than the coaches of today who train the growing bodies and minds of children. I look back with amusement at the lengths I went to for the chance to compete on Team USA but find it troubling that, nearly half a century and many Olympic medals later, our American heroes are expected to bankrupt themselves for that same dream. My generation of referees were self taught before the existence of a professional referee corps. Referees today still have little guidance other than trial and error on the strip.

During my time in the sport, fencing in the US has grown in popularity, influence, and achievement. The grassroots Amateur Fencers League of America has grown in name and budget to multi-million dollar USA Fencing but the governance has yet to mature. We are overdue for an overhaul.

The most pressing need for the fencing community is the development of a COVID-Safe Training Protocol to guide the reopening of clubs and reinitiating of competition.

I have begun reaching out to public health professionals to determine best practices for my clubs and will actively solicit expertise to be adopted as national policy. Coaches & club owners, already under the tremendous pressure of closing their businesses, cannot be expected to determine and uniformly implement best health practices without national support. It is the responsibility of USA Fencing to research and develop protocol for our sport in a world forever changed by COVID-19. We must be proactive to keep our athletes safe.

Communication and transparency in governance will be key to a thorough and sustainable recovery in the wake of the pandemic.

When I take office as President, the Board and national office will work in concert to establish expectations for prompt and thorough response to stakeholder concerns. Clubs, coaches, athletes, families, officials need to hear weekly, daily in some cases, what progress is being made on the initiatives that affect them. Staff and committee responsibilities will be clarified and points of contact made available to stakeholders. All fees collected will be accompanied by an accounting of which membership-oriented programs they support. The membership must be given the respect they deserve as the financial engine that drives the organization, and the user experience will improve.

I will offer online forums (moving to in-person when permitted) to discuss the current concerns and needs of clubs, officials, competitors, and their families. Communication does not diminish our budget; it requires only time and inclination. I will pledge both to the membership. There is no barrier to making this vital change immediately.

The repercussion of event cancellations will require a fundamental reassessment of the sources and spending of our resources. As we emerge from the shadow of this pandemic, we must relocate our assets to prioritize investment back into the fencing community.

The unprecedented international success of Team USA would be impossible without the improvement in officiating at the highest levels, yet the inconsistency of calls domestically remains a source of frustration. This must be remedied by a revamped National Referee Education Program. It takes the resources already developed and implements the support structure so long promised.

Robust Coaches Education resources will finally be offered by USA Fencing, including training and certification of all professional members. Continuing education programs will keep coaches current with the latest in childhood athletic performance, sports psychology, fencing-specific biomechanics and injury prevention. A credentialing program will be phased in to ensure a reliable and safe environment for athletes in every USA Fencing member club nationwide.

Tournament organizers will be provided a comprehensive toolkit to ensure uniform standards for venue, staffing, and administration of events in every division ensuring a quality competitive experience from local to national events. Athletes who achieve competitive results that put them in the top echelons of the sport, but lack the resources to compete at a higher level will receive need-based support. Creating a need-based subsidy allows merit to shine through.

This election is an opportunity to redefine our philosophy of governance. Let’s pave a new way together. I value your input and ideas.

Be in touch: 707.321.3692

Connect with me on Facebook: Peter Burchard for USA Fencing President.

Download Peter’s Official Board Candidate Statement