Compassionate Leadership for a Challenging Time Vote Burchard and Weiss for USA Fencing Board

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At a personal level, the coronavirus crisis pushed us to confront issues that we thought could be left for another day, even as we came to sharply recognize what are the things that really matter to us.

The 2020 USA Fencing election presents us with a choice of Board candidates who offer us a range of skills and passion that they will generously utilize towards their vision of a future USA Fencing in a post-coronavirus world. Everyone of the candidates is ready and willing to do good for USA Fencing.

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How do we choose a candidate? For their leadership skills, for their compassion towards others, for their passion for fencing, for their track record of selflessness, for their professional skills, for their track record of performance on the job, for their personality, for their character, for their likability, for their lack of conflicts of interests, for their fundraising skills or for demonstrating values that coincide with ours?

The coronavirus crisis has taken its toll on the fencing community. Clubs had to shut down and for many clubs and coaches, that meant the loss of their primary source of income and livelihoods. Fencers have not been able to train properly since mid-March, and fencing tournaments are a long way off. These are very real human costs.

Compassionate leadership combined with a commitment to transparency and open communication must be key factors in how we select leadership for USA Fencing in these challenging times. Approach-ability and a willingness to listen and respond to feedback are important qualities that will go a long way towards making the membership feel supported.

We set out below why we believe Peter Burchard and Rich Weiss embody these qualities and that they are the right leaders for this place and time.

Peter Burchard on Facebook Rich Weiss on Facebook

Compassionate Leadership

In FP’s view, USA Fencing deserves compassionate leadership to guide us through what will be a challenging return to a “new” normal. We want a leadership that puts priority on understanding the needs of its diverse membership, and acts to pre-emptively address these needs.

In other words, a compassionate leader must be in touch with the people they purport to lead, they must understand their needs and have empathy for them. They must feel your pain.

In Peter Burchard’s words:

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“The work ahead demands leaders who will roll up their sleeves, not keep you at arm’s length; who will join you in the trenches, not retreat to the board room'“

“I have run businesses that weathered the Silicon Valley bubble and bust, I have coached through the ravages of the Sonoma County fires that left many of my students with nothing but the clothes on their backs. I know what devastation is for the sport. I know what recovery looks like. From that experience, I know the importance of prioritizing the unglamorous work of both mitigating and preparing for the worst. In my Presidency, you can expect and should expect your governing body to anticipate, prepare for, and respond promptly to your needs.'“


The United States Fencing Coaches Association (USFCA), which Peter leads as President, jumped in front of the challenges to publish important resources for clubs and coaches to help their colleagues and fellow coaches through the coronavirus induced crisis. These included detailed guidance on how to run remote fencing classes, videos of classes conducted by clubs around the country, to guidance on how to access SBA loans under the CARES Act.

In contrast, USA Fencing was quick to terminate insurance liability coverage for clubs as soon as they closed in March, and discouraged clubs from holding Zoom fencing lessons since these sessions would not be covered by insurance. It was only with much cajoling and push back that USA Fencing reinstated insurance liability coverage for remote lessons five weeks later.

While USA Fencing has prioritized helping clubs and coaches obtain SBA loans and the National Office staff has worked hard on this, it has been difficult given the high demand and limited allocation of funding by the Federal government. We understand that fewer than 10 clubs have received any loans under the CARES Act. Those that did used savvy methods including applying through non-traditional online lenders.

Richard Weiss, candidate for At-large Director

Rich, who is the current Chair of the USA Fencing Virginia Division has been in the thick of helping clubs and coaches in the Virginia Division figure out how to stay afloat through this crisis, acting as a liaison on their behalf with USA Fencing, and dipping into his personal resources to help clubs meet their urgent rent obligations.

Rich got in front early and stayed consistent in helping the Division he leads. This is what he says:

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“I advocated for the clubs in my division to do whatever necessary to maintain communication with their students and parents when school systems shutdown two weeks prior to the statewide Stay at Home orders were issued in Virginia. Our board held an emergency meeting to understand what clubs may be at risk if the order gets extended past our current June 10th date, and we’ve made some tough decisions for the safety of our fencing community. I’m proud of the way our division came together as a community to support our clubs in need and know this has happened throughout the country. I am also very encouraged by the support given to our clubs from their membership. I KNOW OUR COMMUNITY IS STRONG AND WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS - WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER (FP editor’s caps emphasis) ”


Both PETER BURCHARD and RICH WEISS demonstrate a leadership style that is compassionate, hands-on in times of crisis, and anticipatory of member’s needs. We want to see these qualities work for the larger, more diverse membership of USA Fencing.

Safe Re-Opening of the Sport of fencing

Peter Burchard’s Position

Peter has already taken steps to address what he terms to be “the most pressing need for the fencing community” which he describes as “the development of a COVID-Safe Training Protocol to guide the reopening of clubs and the reinitiating of competition

In this regard, Peter has already reached out to public health professionals “to determine best practices for my clubs and will actively solicit expertise to be adopted as national policy.

His leadership, empathy and understanding shine through when he says:

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“Coaches and club owners, already under the tremendous pressure of closing their businesses, cannot be expected to determine and uniformly implement best health practices without national support. It is the responsibility of USA Fencing to research and develop protocol for our sport in a world forever changed by COVID-19. We must be proactive to keep our athletes safe”


USA Fencing’s Position

In fact, FP is very disappointed by USA Fencing’s announcement on May 1, 2020 telling the clubs they are on their own in terms of safety protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 once they re-open.

Are we all supposed to feel safe with this “to each his own, we take no responsibility” attitude from USA Fencing? Is this not a shirking of leadership for the safety and well-being of its members? Is this not a lack of compassion for the stress already felt by clubs and coaches? Is this not a lack of empathy for fencing families for whom the safety of their young fencers is paramount?

We quote USA Fencing:


Similarly, USA Fencing will not prescribe or undertake to enforce specific measures to prevent COVID-19 transmission among club members, coaches, staff and visitors. Given the divergent locations, facilities, memberships and other COVID-19 risk factors among our many clubs, there is not a single solution that would be applicable to all. Protective measures that may be appropriate in one location could be too much or too little in another. Accordingly, selection and implementation of preventive measures must remain the province of individual clubs, just as decisions whether and how to participate in club activities must be left to individual members.


USA Fencing is the national governing body of the sport of fencing. We expect it to take the lead in the re-opening of the sport. But instead, USA Fencing tells clubs and coaches that they are not aware of any guidelines that relate to COVID-19 for the sport of fencing. In that same May 1, 2020 announcement, USA Fencing says:


“Importantly, USA Fencing is not currently aware of any authoritative COVID-19 guidelines that relate specifically to the sport of fencing. There can be no assurance that any measures will be 100% effective in preventing COVID-19 from being contracted in the course of club activities. Thus, at least for the foreseeable future, live-streamed online training classes and lessons will continue to be sanctioned and insured.” 


Perhaps, this insensitive position reflects old priorities of growing the sport of fencing for the sake of growth, building prestige and managing revenue streams, not so much resolving issues experienced at the grassroots by the current membership which is the backbone of USA Fencing. If the backbone breaks, there is no sport of fencing at all.

While we agree that classes really should continue online in the absence of better testing and contact tracing capabilities, effective treatments or a vaccine for COVID-19, there will come a time when we can re-open. Developing metrics for that time will serve as a helpful guide for all members to follow. By not providing any guidance at all, clubs and coaches are now left in the lurch with no metrics to fall back on.

Surely, the common sense thing to do if you are not aware of any authoritative guidelines is that you go out and develop them with expertise from health professionals. This is what Peter Burchard says he will do, and Peter is the one who deserves our vote for President of USA Fencing!

Rich Weiss Position

Rich Weiss along with Peter has demonstrated a remarkably compassionate understanding of the staggering challenges faced by the fencing community as we try to re-open the sport of fencing. Rich Weiss is not a coach, he is a recreational veteran fencer who is passionate about fencing.

In an almost 3 hour long discussion with our editor, Rich revealed how generous he has been in using his organizational and business expertise to build the USA Fencing Virginia Division for the last 7 years. His contributions were recognized when he was given the USA Fencing Service to Divisions Award at the Hall of Fame ceremonies in 2019.

This is what Rich Weiss has to say about re-opening of the sport of fencing:

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“My personal feeling is that Summer Nationals will not be held and while that will be upsetting to our fencers, I believe it is the right thing to do for the health and safety of everyone. It is unclear when the next sanctioned event at any level will occur, and I feel strongly that gatherings of any size are a bad idea until at least some massive testing infrastructure has been implemented nationwide (or there’s a vaccine, obviously).  While I feel for our community of fencers who can’t get to their club, take lessons, train and compete, what I worry most about is the financial health of our coaching community and club owners who in many cases are struggling to survive. 

There’s no doubt that some clubs could go away and as a former small business owner it will truly break my heart.  Every level of our community needs to come together – students, parents, coaches and clubs -- to support each other so that not one student has to go look for another place to fence or find another coach to train with.  I ask that you give what you can – for however long you can -- to support our coaches and clubs who need us now the most.” 


We need leaders like Rich Weiss in USA Fencing. We must give him our vote to become At-Large Director!

communication and Transparency in leadership

We value leadership that stands with us, not above us.

The membership fees and event registration fees we pay for ourselves and on behalf of our fencing children must be utilized in ways that benefit the entire membership and not just a select few. USA Fencing resources, all of which are provided by its membership, should not be be used for prestige and status projects which lose money and whose benefit accumulates to just a few. This is especially urgent in the face of the COVID-19 induced crisis.

Peter Burchard wants to elevate the level of communication

We like Peter Burchard’s commitment to elevate the level of communication with all constituencies within the membership of USA Fencing. Under Peter’s Presidency, the membership can expect to hear regularly from USA Fencing leadership on issues that concern them, and staff and committees can expect clarity on their responsibilities and points of contact will be made available to stakeholders.

We firmly believe that better communication and transparency leads to greater accountability as well.

As Peter says:

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“…..The membership must be given the respect they deserve as the financial engine that drives the organization, and the user experience will improve.

I will offer online forums (moving to in-person when permitted) to discuss the current concerns and needs of clubs, officials, competitors and their families. Communication does not diminish our budget, it only requires time and inclination. I will pledge both to the membership. There is no barrier to making this vital change immediately.”


Rich Weiss’ mission to increase transparency in SafeSport

At the SafeSport level, Rich Weiss believes that there must be increasing transparency in how:

  • USA Center for SafeSports interacts with USA Fencing, and

  • USA Fencing communicates SafeSports information to its membership, including fencers, parents, coaches, clubs and divisions.

Rich is clear about what needs to be done:

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“…We need to create more visible feedback loops within our community to bridge the gap between what USA Fencing believes they are doing, and what our members feel we are doing..”

Rich is right. If members don’t feel that their SafeSport issues will be resolved fairly and satisfactorily, they will be reluctant to come forward. Every member must feel safe coming forward, no matter how uncomfortable.

Rich sits on the USA Fencing SafeSport Committee and is very familiar with its operations and challenges.


Spending priorities - referee development, coach development and development of uniform tournament standards

Even with the re-start of a tournament season, we can expect that USA Fencing revenues will not be as robust as before COVID-19. In the face of reduced resources, USA Fencing must re-prioritize its spending towards existing grassroots challenges.

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We are totally in agreement with Peter Burchard that:

“… As we emerge from the shadow of this pandemic, we must relocate our assets to prioritize investment back into the fencing community.”

We are totally on board with full support for Team USA as they pursue sporting excellence in pursuit of dreams and medals. After that, USA Fencing must utilize its remaining resources on its current membership and fix longstanding issues with urgency.


Peter Burchard’s plan for referee development

Peter is clear that there must be a revamped National Referee Training Program. Many of us as parents have felt much frustration at the inconsistency of referee calls domestically. We have an ally in Peter. Being an international FIE Level B referee, and USA Fencing Level 1 referee, who is present and active at every NAC, Peter understands the situation better than all of us.

In his words:

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“The unprecedented success of Team USA would be impossible without the improvement in officiating at the highest levels, yet the inconsistency of calls domestically remains a source of frustration. This must be remedied by a revamped National Referee Education Program. It takes the resources already developed and implements the structure so long promised”

We look forward to better support for referees, and substantially improved referee development program with Peter as President.

See: Fencing parents need to up their game according to Referee Commission Chair

Rich Weiss’ Support for Referees

During the almost 3 hour long discussion with FP’s editor, it became very apparent that the Virginia Division of USA Fencing is the model for “best practices’ in basic referee training and support. Rich possesses a wealth of experience in how to do this right to generate a pipeline of motivated and supported referees.

Rich has this to say;

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“…………..we have not done enough to guarantee that we have a constant flow of talent into our volunteer pipeline, and -- once in that pipeline -- the opportunity to develop and grow these resources to their fullest potential. USA Fencing referees are recognized as some of the best and fairest in the world and we need to advance that reputation to the local and regional level. ………………………………Referees working 40-48+ hours during a four-day NAC needs to be a thing of the past.” 


We totally agree with Rich ‘s idea to introduce a practical exam “utilizing a standardized video catalog of calls and rule interpretations” This is a great way to ensure basic competency in making calls for novice referees. Rich believes that this could add immediate value and potentially shorten the timeline for developing referees.

Peter on coach development

Being a Maitre d’Armes himself, Peter operates at the highest levels of fencing coaches. His Presidency at US Fencing Coaches Association (USFCA) has given him substantial experience with coach education, and we believe that that experience will serve him well as President of USA Fencing.

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This initiative by Peter is especially important because USA Fencing does not have a coach training program currently.

“ Robust Coaches Education resources will finally be offered by USA Fencing, including training and certification of all professional members. Continuing education programs will keep coaches current with the latest in childhood athletic performance, sports psychology, fencing-specific biomechanics and injury prevention. A credentialing program will be phased in to ensure a reliable and safe environment for athletes in every USA Fencing member club nationwide.”


Peter on Uniform Standards for Tournament Organization

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This is something the whole community can look forward to.

“Tournament organizers will be provided a comprehensive toolkit to ensure uniform standards for venue, staffing, and administration of events in every division ensuring a quality competitive experience from local to national events.”

Developing Youth Fencing to support Club sustainability

Rich is a big advocate for prioritizing youth programs in clubs as a way to build a sustainable future for the sport of fencing. According to Rich, the key to the success of such programs lies in marketing and outreach to school systems, community centers, parks and recreation facilities and more.

Rich has some very concrete ideas on how to do this, and will bring great leadership to this effort to help fencing clubs grow and reach sound financial viability even as USA Fencing grows the sport with a new generation of fencers.

We like the idea of sustainable growth that benefits clubs and coaches.

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no conflicts of interest

Peter is a fencing coach, and derives his income from his club.

Rich is a management consultant and his sources of income are independent of the sport of fencing.

We expect that both Peter and Rich will abstain from Board decisions that may in any way impact their financial interests.

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FP endorses Peter Burchard for President

Peter cares deeply about the well-being of USA Fencing’s membership. Peter has a leadership style that is inclusive and compassionate, both qualities that are essential to leading USA Fencing through a period of very real human suffering and stress. He will not be afraid to roll up his sleeves. He is the right guy for this moment in USA Fencing’s history. He will have everyone’s back.

Peter’s long association with the sport of fencing, starting as an athlete and member of Team USA, followed by his progress as both a maitre d’armes and international level referee, accompanied by 30 years of service to the sport of fencing as an official and committee member for USA Fencing and as President of the US Fencing Coaches Association puts all of us in a safe pair of hands to steer the ship through rough waters.

Peter is a nationally familiar figure for those who go to NACs. Peter is also a well-liked, respected and popular figure in the California fencing community. Always the gentleman, and always approachable. In addition to being a coach, Peter personally trains many young referees from Northern California. FP editor’s son was a beneficiary of Peter’s skills as a mentor and trainer, our family likes him a lot.

His prudence in focusing resources back on the fencing community is spot on in the face of scarcer resources. Prestige projects with vanity metrics can wait even as we continue to support Team USA, referees, coaches, tournament officials and our large community of young fencers.

FP recognizes Don Anthony’s accomplishments which returned USA Fencing to financial stability after a period of mismanagement, and his accomplishments in building USA Fencing’s prestige and status internationally. His 8 years as President of USA Fencing have seen unprecedented growth in the sport of fencing in the US through prosperous times.

We are now in a very challenging phase, where no one should expect business as usual. Our priorities must shift for the next few years, as we deal with the after-effects of COVID-19. We agree with Peter that we must focus our resources on the home front and on USA Fencing’s backbone - its’ membership.

See Peter’s Complete Profile

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FP endorses Richard Weiss for At-Large Director

Rich Weiss represents what we want in a compassionate leader, willing to get down with his troops to get the job done. He has successfully led the Virginia Division of USA Fencing for the last 7 out of 9 years, and has developed a model of “best practices” in referee training that can be shared nationally for the benefit of all.

He is passionate about fencing, and he is passionate about helping the club and coach members of the Virginia Division come through this COVID-19 crisis as best as possible. Few people would reach into their own pockets to render help, Rich did that so that a club could pay its rent.

Rich is a good listener, and as we talked over an almost 3 hour period on a wide range of fencing related subjects, Rich was very receptive to the issues that parents have. Parents will have a friend on the Board when we need someone to have our back.

A management consultant by profession, Rich has still managed to find time to volunteer and support many organizations where he lives. His generosity of spirit is admirable, and USA Fencing will benefit from Rich’s energy and willingness to do the right thing and find solutions that help others.

The fencing community will be enriched when we get Rich Weiss onto the Board of USA Fencing.

See Rich’s Complete Profile