Patrick Durkan

candidate for at-large director

Patrick Durkan 2021.png
  • Founder and Head Coach at Durkan Fencing (NJ)

  • Founder of Patrick Durkan Fencing Foundation, which supports fencer travel expenses to international competitions

  • Former NCAA Head Coach at Hunter College

  • Former Corporate Benefits Consultant, including insurance and worker’s compensation

  • Former Board member of the National Kidney Foundation

  • Former Board member of the Statue of Liberty Ellis Island Foundation

  • Educated at Columbia University

Watch Patrick’s Video

Patrick’s Candidate Statement

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Patrick’s Vision

We must re-orient the fencing experience to be member centric. My primary objective is the sustainable growth of USA Fencing as measured by membership and revenue. To grow through member centricity, we need to think about the overall fencing journey—youth to Olympics—and focus experiences that meet the needs of members.

We all see the world changing around us. And I believe that we must take steps today to be a vibrant, thriving organization and sport for tomorrow.

PAtrick’s Goals

For youth fencers and their parents:

Creating a robust NCAA effort with the goal of increasing NCAA Fencing programs and maintaining current NCAA teams.

For Aspiring Competitive Members

Improve the tournament experience at all levels through a USA Fencing standard of excellence that includes referees and venues as a critical part of the experience.

For coaches and club owners

  • Utilize my professional experience with insurance underwriting to reduce the cost of USA Fencing membership for members and member clubs. I have received quotes from a carrier for under $100/year per club and under $20/year per competitive fencer.

  • Create a feedback loop that listens and responds to the needs of coaches and club owners

  • Help increase club membership through a USA Fencing co-op marketing program

  • Sponsor Online classes or seminars to help with business operations

For National and Olympics team Members

  • Athlete Education and Support, including financial and travel support of US Team Members

  • Work with National coaches to streamline the travel process and

  • Reduce costs for our elite athletes traveling to European Circuits and World Cup events