How to Qualify for 2019 Fencing Summer Nationals and July Challenge
Updated on September 4, 2018 to reflect US Fencing qualification rule changes for the 2018/2019 fencing season
Columbus, Ohio - Host to fencing Summer Nationals and July Challenge 2018/2019
Every event fenced at Summer Nationals Championship and July Challenge requires qualification.
Depending on the event, There are up to 5 ways for a fencer to qualify for summer nationals/july challenge:
1) earn national points (and be ranked on the National Points List) in the relevant event through:
National competitions (NAC, Summer Nationals, July Challenge, Junior Olympics),
the SJCC for cadet and juniors
the SYC for youth events (Y10, Y12 and Y14). and
designated international competitions for senior, cadet and junior events.
2) earn the required regional points (and be on the Regional Points List) in the relevant event through:
RYC (Regional Youth Circuit) for youth events (Y10, Y12 and Y14)
RJCC (Regional Junior and Cadet Circuit) for cadet and juniors,
ROC (Regional Open Circuit) for Division 1A, Division 2 and Division 3, and
IRC (International Regional Circuit) for cadet and juniors living outside the US.
3) place in the top 40% of Division 2 or Division 3 events at a NAC to qualify for the corresponding championship event.
4) place in either the top 8 of the prior season's Division 1A championship, or the top 4 of the prior season's Division 2 championship to qualify for Division 1A
5) place in the top 3 or top 25% , whichever is greater, of a Division Qualifier (DQs) for
Division 2 and
Division 3 events
to qualify for the corresponding championship events at Summer Nationals.
For veteran's events, please check with US Fencing.
Fencers who earn points at national competitions are automatically
ranked on the relevant National Points List, and
qualified to compete in the corresponding championship event.
National points are awarded to fencers placing in the top 40%, up to a maximum of 32 places, except when there are 160 or more participants who complete the event, in which case, national points are awarded to fencers placing in the top 64 of the event.
The SYC is a regional path that awards national points to the top 40% of the field (up to a maximum of 64 fencers). National points earned at an SYC are included in calculating a fencer's ranking on the National Points List, thus automatically qualifying the fencer for the championship event at Summer Nationals. There is no trickle down of national points.
Fencers may compete at SYCs anywhere in the country to earn national points, irrespective of the fencer's home region.
In the 2018/2019 season, there are a total of 14 SYCs scheduled throughout the year in various locations.
The SJCC is a new tournament introduced by US Fencing in the 2018/2019 season to help fencers earn national points to qualify for junior and cadet fencing events at the July Challenge and Junior Olympics.
The pilot competition will be held in March 2019 in Anaheim, California. National points will be awarded at a 0.2 ratio to points awarded at a national competition for the event. Eg, the winner of a cadet event at a NAC earns 400 points, the winner at an SJCC will earn 80 points. There is no trickle down of points earned at the SJCC.
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how to qualify for 2019 fencing summer nationals and july challenge
A comprehensive guide on how to qualify for youth (Y10, Y12, Y14) championship events, Division 1A, Division 2 and Division 3 championship events, and Junior, Cadet and Division 1 events
For many fencers, the regional path is the most efficient way to qualify for Summer Nationals. RYCs and RJCCs are generally hosted close to home, making them accessible and cost efficient to attend. All 6 fencing regions hold several RYCs and RJCCs throughout the year, giving fencers multiple opportunities to earn qualifying regional points.
Regional points earned in an age category trickle down to the lower age categories for qualification purposes. Eg, a 14 year old fencer earns 65 regional points in Juniors through RJCCs and qualifies to fence the Junior event at the July Challenge. Because of trickle down, this fencer is also automatically qualified to fence in the corresponding cadet event regardless of whether the fencer has cadet regional points.
Trickle down also applies to points earned at RYCs. An 11 year old fencer who earns 150 regional points in Y14 epee through RYCs is automatically also qualified to compete in the Y12 epee championship event, regardless of whether the fencer has any Y12 regional points.
The ROC is a regional path for fencers to qualify for the Division 1A, Division 2 and Division 3 championships. Fencers can compete in a ROC anywhere in the country to earn regional points, regardless of their home region. The top 40% of the field at a ROC event earns regional points, and are placed on the regional points list. For Division 1A, Division 2 and Division 3 championships, all fencers on the relevant regional points list qualify to compete.
Regional points earned at ROCs trickle down to the category below. Eg. if a fencer qualifies for the Division 1A championship, the trickle down of qualification automatically qualifies the fencer for Division 2 and Division 3, provided the fencer is classification eligible.
The International Regional Circuit (IRC) is a new path introduced by US Fencing to enable fencers living outside the United States to qualify for Junior and Cadet events at the July Challenge. The pilot IRC tournament will be hosted in Hong Kong from December 30, 2018 to January 1, 2019.
Fencers will earn points towards the International Regional Points Standings, a new regional points list that is separate from the existing regional points lists. Fencers who rank in the top 32 of the International Regional List qualify to compete in Junior and Cadet events at the July Challenge, provided they are age qualified.
qualifying for y10, y12 and y14 youth fencing Championships
While age eligibility and citizenship/permanent residency requirements are common criteria across all 3 age group championships, there are important variations in points qualifications between the 3. If you have fencers competing in more than one age group, please take note of the variations
Qualifying for Y10 Events at Summer Nationals
Fencers born between 2008 and 2011
Must be a US citizen or permanent resident
Be on the Y10 National Point Standings at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Be on the Y10 Regional Youth Point Standings in your region at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Earn at least 70 Y12 Regional Points during the current season (Total points = an athlete’s top 3 point results) OR
QUALIFYING FOR y12 events at summer nationals
Fencers born between 2006 and 2009, and fencers born after 2009 with Y10 national points
Must be a us citizen or permanent resident
Be on the Y12 National Point Standings at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Earn at least 70 Y12 Regional Points during the current season (Total points = an athlete’s top 3 point results) OR
Earn at least 150 Y14 Regional Points during the current season (Total points = an athlete’s top 3 point results) OR
Place in the top 3 or top 25%, whichever is greater, of the fencer’s division’s Y14 National Championship qualifying competition (DQ)
qualifying for y14 events at summer nationals
Fencers born between 2004 and 2007, or Fencers born after 2007 with Y12 national points.
Must be a US citizen or permanent resident
Be on the Youth 14 National Point Standings at the regular entry fee deadline OR
Earn at least 150 Y14 Regional Points during the current season (Total points = an athlete’s top 3 point results) OR
Place in the top 3 or top 25% (round up), whichever is greater, of the fencer’s division’s Y14 National Championship qualifying competition
qualifying for division 1A, 2 and 3 championships
Age eligibility and citizenship criteria are common across Division 1A, Division 2 and Division 3 events
born in 2005 or earlier, or fencers born after 2005 who are on the Junior National Points List,
US citizens or permanent residents
Qualifying for division 1A events at summer nationals
Division 1A events are designated as A3 events for classification awards.
Specific qualification requirements include:
A, B, C, D, E, U
Be on the current season’s Div IA ROC Regional Point Standings OR
Be in the top 8 of the Division II Regional Open Circuit point standings at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Place in the top 8 of the previous season's Summer Nationals Championship for Division 1A OR
Place in the top 4 of the previous season's Summer Nationals Championship for Division 2
qualifying for division 2 events at summer nationals
Division 2 events are designated as B3 events for classification awards
C, D, E, U (at the time of the qualifying competition)
Place in the top 3 or top 25%. whichever is greater, of the current season’s division qualifying competition OR
Be on the current season’s Div IA ROC Regional Point Standings OR
Be on the Div II ROC Regional Point Standings OR
Place in the top 40% of any current season Division II NAC, if held
qualifying for division 3 events at summer nationals
Division 3 events are designated as C3 events for classification awards
D, E, U (at the time of the qualifying competition)
Place in the top 25% (round up) of the total number of “D”, “E”, or “U” fencers competing in the current season division’s Division II Qualifying competition (when Division II and Division III qualifying competition held together) OR
If separate Division III qualifying competition held by division, then top 25% of the field will qualify for Division III National Championships OR
Be on the Division IA or Division II Regional Open Circuit point standings, if classification eligible, at the regular fee entry deadline for these Championships OR
Place in the top 40% at Division III or Division II NAC of the current season, if held
Qualifying for july challenge events
These events are not NACs (North America Cup), and specific qualifying criteria apply.
qualifying for Junior Events at the july challenge
Born between 2000 and 2006, or fencer born after 2006 with cadet national points
No requirements. Foreign fencers who qualify may participate.
No requirement
On Junior NRPS (Age out rankings after JOs) by entry deadline OR
On Cadet NRPS (Age out rankings after JOs) OR
Earn at least 65 regional points (top 2 events) on your region's Junior Regional Point Standing OR
Be in the top 25% of the Youth 14 national rolling point standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Foreign athletes who meet the USA Fencing classification standard of “A”, “B” as defined in Section 2.2.5
Place in the top 32 on the final International Regional Circuit Points List, for each weapon and gender, by the regular fee entry deadline
Qualifying for cadet events at the july challenge
Born between 2006 and 2003, or fencer born after 2006 must have Y14 national points
No requirements. Foreign fencers who qualify may participate
No requirement
Be on Cadet NRPS (Age out after JOs) OR
Be in the top 50% of the Y14 national rolling point standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Earn at least 65 regional points (top 2 events) on their regions Cadet Regional Point Standing OR
Earn at least 65 regional points (top 2 events) on their regions Junior Regional Circuit Points OR
Foreign athletes who meet the USA Fencing classification standard of “A”, “B” or “C” as defined in the Section 2.2.5.
Place in the top 32 on the final International Regional Circuit Points List, for each weapon and gender, by the regular fee entry deadline
qualifying for division 1 events at the july challenge
Born 2005 or earlier. Fencers born after 2005 must be on the Junior national points list
A, B or C (at entry deadline)
Be on the current Senior National Rolling Point Standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Be on the Junior NRPS at the regular fee entry deadline and age eligible OR
Top 24 of the Cadet NRPS at the regular fee deadline and age eligible OR
Top 16 from Div IA Regional Points Standings OR
Be in the top 4 of the Division II regional points at the regular fee entry deadline OR
2018 NCAA National Championships Individual Competitors (24) OR
Foreign athletes who meet the USA Fencing classification standard of an “A”, “B” as defined in the Section 2.2.5.
useful links:
US Fencing National and Regional Points List
Age and Classification Qualification Charts
Fencing Parents on Division Qualifiers (DQ)
Fencing Parents on Regional Open Circuit (ROC)
Fencing Parents on Regional Junior and Cadet Circuit (RJCC)
Fencing Parents on RYCs and SYCs
Fencing Parents on International Regional Circuit
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