Qualifying Path for Division 1 Fencing Championship
Updated on October 12, 2022 to reflect the Athlete Handbook 2022/2023 released on October 4. 2022
St Louis, Missouri - Host city for Fencing Division 1 Championship and April North America Cup (NAC) 2023
Starting in the 2018/2019 season, US Fencing has widened the categories of fencers who qualify to compete in the Division 1 National Championship in April. Specifically, fencers who are on the Cadet National Points List and meet the other eligibility criteria are now qualified to compete in the Division 1 championship, whereas previously, only the top 8 on the Cadet National Points List qualified to compete.
age eligibility for April 2023 championship
Born in 2009 or earlier. Fencers born after 2009 must be on the Junior National Points List
A, B, C
US citizen or permanent resident
points standing qualifications
Be on the current Senior National Rolling Point Standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Be on the current adjusted* Junior National Rolling Point Standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Be in the current adjusted* Cadet National Rolling Point Standings (NRPS) at the regular fee entry deadline OR
Have placed in the top 8 in the 2021/2022 Division IA National Championships OR
Have placed in the top 4 in the 2021/2022 Division II National Championships OR
Was a 2023 NCAA National Championships Individual Competitors (24)
For EPEE ONLY: the top 3 USA Fencing Modern Pentathlon fencers will be eligible to compete in the Division I epee events without qualifying by any other means. USA Modern Pentathlon fencers MUST be USA Fencing members.
*In determining a fencer's position on the national points list for qualification purposes, foreign fencers are skipped.
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